Jockey Medicals

We are registered to undertake Jockey Medicals for Horse Racing in line with the guidelines set out by the British Horseracing Authority (BHA). The BHA is responsible for setting and enforcing these standards of medical care for jockeys across all licence types, including point to point and Arab racing. 

With a background in General Practice and racing, as well as holding an amateur licence, Dr Guy Mitchell fully understands the demands of the sport, and can offer flexible times to suit. Medicals can only be undertaken by a doctor with access on the day to the NHS GP Medical Records summary.


  • You will need to bring the following items with you:

    • Photographic ID

    • Glasses (if worn)

    • A urine sample

    • A list of any medications you take

  • We are licensed to undertake this through the NHS app or by using a system called Accurx Web:

    both systems provide simple and secure healthcare communication.

  • Your medical assessment will normally cost £150 (providing no additional tests are indicated)

  • All medicals for applicants over the age of 55 should include blood tests (as a minimum Full Blood Count, Renal/Liver Function, Fasting Lipids and Blood Sugar) and a reported resting ECG. If your cardiovascular risk (as calculated by the Q-RISK scoring system) is raised, then a Cardiology appointment will be needed. These investigations will incur additional costs.

  • Participants in Charity Races staged as part of a race card under rules are equally required to follow the above schedule.

  • If you do not meet the standards required to pass the jockey medical, your case will be referred to the BHA Chief Medical Officer.